Visiting senior loved ones may not be an option this holiday season and this is an emotionally difficult situation for all involved. How can you celebrate and boost your loved ones’ spirits while separated? Try these creative connectors to maintain family ties through the holidays and beyond.
1. Postmark your love
Many seniors treasure holiday correspondence. Ask friends and family to send holiday cards and letters to your loved one. Set up a
virtual visit to open this mail together and read the messages to each other.
2. Cook up connections
Discuss holiday meal plans with your parents or grandparents. Ask about their favorite seasonal recipes, then set up a time to cook them together via Zoom or FaceTime. Get the kids in the kitchen, too! Some of our loved ones won’t be cooking a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. They simply may not want to or be able to due to their ability levels. If this is the case, deliver your delicious home cooked meal right to their doorstep! Include cards or drawings from the grandkids to make it extra special and fun. They can enjoy the same meal you’re having via a Zoom call or FaceTime.
3. Caring through caroling
Tap into happy family memories by gathering around the phone or computer to sing traditional holiday songs together. Share lyrics
ahead of time via email.
4. Deck the halls
For many families, decorating during the holidays is a beloved tradition. Reach out virtually for a crafting session to make wreaths,
garlands, or advent calendars. Mail or drop off art supplies in advance.
5. Listen carefully
Communication and active listening are crucial this holiday season. If communication stalls, try creative conversation starters.
Hearing a loved one’s personal holiday stories can feel like opening a treasured gift, and they will feel appreciated simply because
you listened.
If your loved one needs assistance during the holidays, give us a call. We are happy to help!